Sunday, April 7, 2013

Here's another blast from the past, 7-15-2007 if memory serves me.

Inbetween filming episodes of the TV show "Twister Sisters", I had a couple of weeks at home.  So after chasing solid for a few weeks, what did I do?  Went right back at it.

Awww yeah.

 Made my way down towards McLeod, ND.  As I got further towards the storm, it got the 'TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER" shape. 

 And then it got to the "BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY!"  look to it....
Scotty, beam me up! 
Turned into just a beautiful supercell.

One of my most favorite shots ever.
This storm was just beautiful.  From what I remember, this storm was tornado warned, however I don't know it if ever produced, however this storm did produce some pretty significant tree damage.

I did happen to have my Inspeed Anenomenter with me.  Here's what I found:



 Once the storm passed me, since I was trying to be a little 'too' gutsy, and I ended up in the core, all around me the trees were down, and the crops were damaged.  There were also numerous hail piles on the sides of the road.

 This made driving on the roads a little more difficult, as in this part of Ransom county, almost all of the roads are dirt.  Since it had been fairly wet around this time, I was slipping and sliding around quite a bit.

At least in the end, I was treated with a pretty nice view.

Note the damaged crops and trees.

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